This is a sad anniversary: nineeteen years ago today, my mother died at the age of 56 of a heart attack as she lay in bed.
I dreamt of her that night, floating up to a window to tell me goodbye. She appeared in my dreams only a few times more, less and less as the years went by. Once every long while, she'll be there in that different reality in which all time happens at the same time, when nothing is ever lost and there is no reason for sorrow.
Two three break
*A perfect example* What I want for my daughter, from friends and family,
for her second birthday (or for Christmas, or any subsequent gift-giving
6 years ago
Okay, technically and mathematically it was only 19 years ago that mother died.
Okay, I figured out how to edit the original post. That doesn't address the fact that I forgot my lunch today. Jeepers, it's one of those kinds of days.
Saw my Mom again! This time in a DVD I got for Christmas that showed my mother and father laughing together on the day of their graduation from Grinnell College in 1954. Incredible! It was like looking back through a time machine.
Yep, I'm reading my own blog again. How would anyone else in the world ever find this? They would have to sign up for an account...yuck. Or do they? This page implies that you can allow anonymous comments.
No, no one else has ever read this blog.
I am my own most avid reader, and even I don't check this blog more than once a season.
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